Wilson Browne Solicitors

“We have used Gavin extensively at Wilson Browne Solicitors for a variety of projects including simple but imaginatively lit staff portraits; full-length publicity shots which are then expertly blended to create group composite shots; and a number of ‘hero’ shots for use in online and offline adverts. The composite shots have been invaluable – trying to get 20+ solicitors in the same place at the same time is nearly impossible, but the expertly crafted ‘composites’ enable us to produce pictures of our teams that can be easily updated. Gavin is easy to work with and I am always pleased with the results. He has plenty of his own ideas but is also open to suggestions and not precious about input from the client: having worked with other photographers, this is a welcome change. Whether looking for something highly stylised or more basic ‘corporate’ type shots, I would thoroughly recommend Gavin.”
Here’s a few of the photographs Ive taken for Wilson Browne Solicitors over the past 3 years of working with them.